Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pics from the EDB (Sorry about the formatting)

Here are a few select pictures from yesterday's Edelman Digital Bootcamp (EDB). There are many more pictures available at the EDB Flickr account.

The educators were hanging on every word and tweeting the highlights.

Professional & academic educators interact (L-Phil Gomes of Edleman, R-Robert French of Auburn)

We learned from the Ninja...oh and Phil Gomes of Edelman

Ruthann Lariscy (UGA), Eileen Perrigo (UofWestFl), & Bryan Reber (UGA) learning how to teach social media in the classroom.

The students worked hard on their of my students, Diem (forefront) works with his team.

Evidence of the students' hard work

Cindy asks me some very important questions

Sweetser in the educators how to teach social media

The Word of Mouth class served as our coverage team for the day by recording podcasts, videos, blogging, snapping pictures & tweeting. Sue (on far left) lead the team.

Connie (Campaigns team leader)

Sweetser & Me at the end of the day...
Her caption: Ready to rock some social media in politics research!

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